spread - определение. Что такое spread
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Что (кто) такое spread - определение

Spreads; Spread (finance); Spread (disambiguation); Spreading
Найдено результатов: 306
1) to spread smt. evenly (to spread paint evenly)
2) to spread quickly; unchecked (the epidemic spread unchecked)
3) (D; intr.) to spread to (the epidemic spread to neighboring countries)
4) (misc.) to spread like wildfire
I. v. a.
Extend, expand, mantle, stretch, dilate.
Disperse, scatter, distribute.
Publish, divulge, propagate, disseminate, circulate, promulgate, make known, make public, spread abroad.
Propagate, spread, disseminate.
Emit, diffuse, scatter.
Prepare, make ready, furnish, cover, set with food.
Unfold, unfurl, open.
Cover, overspread, extend over.
II. n.
Extend, be expanded.
Be dispersed, be scattered.
Circulate, be circulated, be spread abroad.
III. n.
Extent, reach, compass.
Extension, expansion.
Dissemination, circulation, propagation.
Cover, cloth.
(spreads, spreading, spread)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
If you spread something somewhere, you open it out or arrange it over a place or surface, so that all of it can be seen or used easily.
She spread a towel on the sand and lay on it...
VERB: V n prep
Spread out means the same as spread
He extracted several glossy prints and spread them out on a low coffee table...
In his room, Tom was spreading out a map of Scandinavia on the bed.
PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P n (not pron)
If you spread your arms, hands, fingers, or legs, you stretch them out until they are far apart.
Sitting on the floor, spread your legs as far as they will go without overstretching...
He stepped back and spread his hands wide. 'You are most welcome to our home.'
VERB: V n adv, V n adj
Spread out means the same as spread
David made a gesture, spreading out his hands as if he were showing that he had no explanation to make...
You need a bed that's large enough to let you spread yourself out.
PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P
If you spread a substance on a surface or spread the surface with the substance, you put a thin layer of the substance over the surface.
Spread the mixture in the cake tin and bake for 30 minutes...
Spread the bread with the cheese.
VERB: V n prep, V n with n
Spread is a soft food which is put on bread.
...a wholemeal salad roll with low fat spread.
N-MASS: usu supp N
If something spreads or is spread by people, it gradually reaches or affects a larger and larger area or more and more people.
The industrial revolution which started a couple of hundred years ago in Europe is now spreading across the world.
...the sense of fear spreading in residential neighborhoods...
He was fed-up with the lies being spread about him.
VERB: V prep/adv, V, V n
Spread is also a noun.
The greatest hope for reform is the gradual spread of information...
N-SING: usu the N of n
If something such as a liquid, gas, or smoke spreads or is spread, it moves outwards in all directions so that it covers a larger area.
Fire spread rapidly after a chemical truck exploded...
A dark red stain was spreading across his shirt...
In Northern California, a wildfire has spread a haze of smoke over 200 miles.
VERB: V, V prep, V n prep
Spread is also a noun.
The situation was complicated by the spread of a serious forest fire.
If you spread something over a period of time, it takes place regularly or continuously over that period, rather than happening at one time.
There seems to be little difference whether you eat all your calorie allowance in one go, or spread it over the day...
VERB: V n over n
If you spread something such as wealth or work, you distribute it evenly or equally.
...policies that spread the state's wealth more evenly...
Spread is also a noun.
There are easier ways to encourage the even spread of wealth.
N-SING: usu N of n
A spread of ideas, interests, or other things is a wide variety of them.
A topic-based approach can be hard to assess in primary schools with a typical spread of ability...
= range
N-SING: usu N of n
A spread is a large meal, especially one that has been prepared for a special occasion.
A spread is two pages of a book, magazine, or newspaper that are opposite each other when you open it at a particular place.
There was a double-page spread of a dinner for 46 people.
Spread is used to refer to the difference between the price that a seller wants someone to pay for a particular stock or share and the price that the buyer is willing to pay. (BUSINESS)
Market makers earn their livings from the spread between buying and selling prices.
to spread your wings: see wing
·noun Extent; compass.
II. Spread ·noun Expansion of parts.
III. Spread ·- imp. & ·p.p. of Spread, v.
IV. Spread ·Impf & ·p.p. of Spread.
V. Spread ·vi To be made known more extensively, as news.
VI. Spread ·noun An unlimited expanse of discontinuous points.
VII. Spread ·noun A cloth used as a cover for a table or a bed.
VIII. Spread ·add. ·noun Surface in proportion to the depth of a cut stone.
IX. Spread ·vi To be extended by drawing or beating; as, some metals spread with difficulty.
X. Spread ·noun A table, as spread or furnished with a meal; hence, an entertainment of food; a feast.
XI. Spread ·vi To be propagated from one to another; as, the disease spread into all parts of the city.
XII. Spread ·vt To Prepare; to set and furnish with provisions; as, to spread a table.
XIII. Spread ·vt To Propagate; to cause to affect great numbers; as, to spread a disease.
XIV. Spread ·vt To Strew; to scatter over a surface; as, to spread manure; to spread lime on the ground.
XV. Spread ·vt To diffuse, as emanations or effluvia; to Emit; as, odoriferous plants spread their fragrance.
XVI. Spread ·vi To extend in length and breadth in all directions, or in breadth only; to be extended or stretched; to Expand.
XVII. Spread ·vt To extend so as to cover something; to extend to a great or grater extent in every direction; to cause to fill or cover a wide or wider space.
XVIII. Spread ·noun A privilege which one person buys of another, of demanding certain shares of stock at a certain price, or of delivering the same shares of stock at another price, within a time agreed upon.
XIX. Spread ·vt To Divulge; to publish, as news or fame; to cause to be more extensively known; to Disseminate; to make known fully; as, to spread a report;
- often acompanied by abroad.
XX. Spread ·vt To extend in length and breadth, or in breadth only; to stretch or expand to a broad or broader surface or extent; to Open; to Unfurl; as, to spread a carpet; to spread a tent or a sail.
XXI. Spread ·add. ·noun An arbitrage transaction operated by buying and selling simultaneously in two separate markets, as Chicago and New York, when there is an abnormal difference in price between the two markets. It is called a back spreadwhen the difference in price is less than the normal one.
¦ verb (past and past participle spread)
1. open out so as to increase in surface area, width, or length.
stretch out (limbs, hands, fingers, or wings) so that they are far apart.
2. extend or distribute over a wide area or a specified period of time.
(spread out) (of a group of people) move apart so as to cover a wider area.
gradually reach or cause to reach a wider area or more people.
3. apply (a substance) in an even layer.
cover (a surface) with a substance in such a way.
be able to be applied in such a way.
¦ noun
1. the fact or action of spreading.
2. the extent, width, or area covered by something.
an expanse.
3. the range of something.
the difference between two rates or prices.
4. a soft paste that can be spread on bread.
5. informal a large and elaborate meal.
6. an article or advertisement covering several columns or pages of a newspaper or magazine.
7. N. Amer. a large farm or ranch.
spread oneself too thin be involved in so many different activities that one's time and energy are not used to good effect.
spreadable adjective
OE -sprdan (used in combinations), of W. Gmc origin.
Bid–ask spread         
  • Order book depth chart on a currency exchange. The x-axis is the unit price, the y-axis is cumulative order depth. Bids (buyers) on the left, asks (sellers) on the right, with a bid–ask spread in the middle.
Bid/ask; Bid/ask spread; Bid-ask; Bid-ask spread; Bid/offer spread; Bid ask spread; Bid and ask; Bid offer spread; Buy-sell spread; Buy/sell spread; Buy sell spread; Bid-offer spread; Bid–offer spread; Buy–sell spread; Bid-ask spreads
The bid–ask spread (also bid–offer or bid/ask and buy/sell in the case of a market maker) is the difference between the prices quoted (either by a single market maker or in a limit order book) for an immediate sale (ask) and an immediate purchase (bid) for stocks, futures contracts, options, or currency pairs in some auction scenario. The size of the bid–ask spread in a security is one measure of the liquidity of the market and of the size of the transaction cost.
·p.pr. & ·vb.n. of Spread.
Spread (food)         
Food spread; Sandwich spread; Soft spread
A spread is a food that is spread, generally with a knife, onto foods such as bread and crackers. Spreads are added to food to enhance the flavor or texture of the food, which may be considered bland without it.
Spread (projective geometry)         
Draft:Spread (projective geometry)
A frequently studied problem in discrete geometry is to identify ways in which an object can be covered by other simpler objects such as points, lines, and planes. In projective geometry, a specific instance of this problem that has numerous applications is determining whether, and how, a projective space can be covered by pairwise disjoint subspaces which have the same dimension; such a partition is called a spread.
Spread (prison food)         
  • Typical instant noodles used in prison spreads
A spread is a prison meal made by inmates. Spreads are often made with commissary ingredients, such as instant ramen and corn puffs.

